Sunday, March 30, 2008
nader's message of support for hillary

"Don't let them get to you, Big Girl. You stick it out, now, ya hear? All the way with HRC, right? Remember when they used to laugh at me? But I proved them all wrong. I became President of the United States several times. I kicked Bush's ass. I came from behind to sneak it against ol' Ronnie Raygun. Tricky Dickie thought he was too good for me but he soon learned what going 15 rounds with ol' Ralph was all about..."
Thursday, March 27, 2008
making all his nowhere plans for nobody

"Vorrei dire che in questa campagna elettorale non sono la valetta di Berlusconi."

"... e vorrei pure dire che non sono la velina di Berlusconi."

"... e sopratutto voglio dire che non sono lo sguattero di Berlusconi."

"Diciamo la verità , in questa campagna elettorale non sono un cazzo."
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
man turns his back on his family well he just ain't no good

"He would not have been my pastor. You don't choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend."

"Yep, you guessed it, the cigar was a gift from my old Gramps just before he died of cancer. "Slide it right on up there, Bubba. Get it all sloppy wet before ya suck it, ya hear me?" Those were his last words. Like, what's a guy gonna do, diss his old Grampy on his fucking deathbed or something?"
Friday, March 21, 2008
anything you can do

Roma, 22:30

Roma, 22:31
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
i don't know how i'm gonna do it only know i'm gonna try
Saturday, March 15, 2008
lipstick on your collar told a tale on you
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
shirley temple, eat your fucking heart out
did you check out the 3-year-old hillary video?
Cute Little Baby Hilly

"Take it from a cute kid who knows, we don't want no coon in the White House, right?"
Cute Little Baby Hilly

"Take it from a cute kid who knows, we don't want no coon in the White House, right?"
Monday, March 10, 2008
spitzer comes clean over prostitute scandal
Sunday, March 09, 2008
gotta keep searchin'
hillary's been a bit quiet for the last few days but you can bet your life she's got her guys out in the field looking for new angles...

"And, like, have you kids had pedophile experiences with any of Obama's relatives?"

"And, like, have you kids had pedophile experiences with any of Obama's relatives?"
Saturday, March 08, 2008
you keep saying you've got something for me

obama's footwear. all the better for walking around and talking to the people.

hillary's footwear. all the better for kicking you in the bollocks.
Friday, March 07, 2008
she did the monster mash
After Remark, Aide to Obama Resigns
Samantha Power, a foreign policy adviser to Barack Obama, apologized for calling Hillary Rodham Clinton "a monster."
clever stuff from obama today. like, how do you actually say to the public that hillary is a demented, power-hungry monster? well, you get an aide to do it for you and then you get her to resign. but, meanwhile, the world gets to know something from the inside. something that everybody suspected anyway but was never said: hillary is a monster.

thanks sam. you had to fall on your sword but don't worry, when obama wins you'll get a cool white house job.
Samantha Power, a foreign policy adviser to Barack Obama, apologized for calling Hillary Rodham Clinton "a monster."
clever stuff from obama today. like, how do you actually say to the public that hillary is a demented, power-hungry monster? well, you get an aide to do it for you and then you get her to resign. but, meanwhile, the world gets to know something from the inside. something that everybody suspected anyway but was never said: hillary is a monster.

thanks sam. you had to fall on your sword but don't worry, when obama wins you'll get a cool white house job.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
obama hits back
for the first time in the campaign obama has reacted in kind to one of hillary's snide attacks. in a video released yesterday he portrays clinton with a distinct trace of upper lip facial hair:

Wednesday, March 05, 2008
slick willie, slick hillie
so hillary snatched texas by a grasping handful of votes. but not without some typical slick willie style dirty tricks. she made a video and had obama look a lot more black than he really is. you can read about it here:
Hillary "blackens" Obama's image

she really is a clinton, right?
Hillary "blackens" Obama's image

she really is a clinton, right?
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
badges? we don' need no stinkin' badges
as the texas shoot-out draws closer both hill and barry have been wooing the tex-mex vote with specially made caramba style videos. there's a cool article in today's corriere della sera by a reporter who's following the campaign and has posted links to all the vids. check them out here:
Article by Bibiana Mazza
it's funny stuff. both candidates have got cool mexicali vips performing for them. the big o goes with jennifer lopez (J Lo) while hill pins her hopes on trini lopez (Tri Lo):

muchos calientes, as they say in rio de janeiro.
Article by Bibiana Mazza
it's funny stuff. both candidates have got cool mexicali vips performing for them. the big o goes with jennifer lopez (J Lo) while hill pins her hopes on trini lopez (Tri Lo):

muchos calientes, as they say in rio de janeiro.
Monday, March 03, 2008
she's the sweetest litle rosebud
hill is digging in for the big one tomorrow. last ditch stand. all that alamo stuff, right? she's called on one last guy to get her voters out of their rocking chairs and down to the broken voting machine:

"She may be a goldarn dame but she sure ain't no chocolate colored whippersnapper."
and in news just in from texas:
EMORY, Texas - Angry that her parents demanded she break up with her boyfriend, a teenage girl helped kill her mother and two brothers during a grisly weekend ambush on the family's rural, wooded home, authorities said Sunday.
just don't think about it, ok, hill?

"She may be a goldarn dame but she sure ain't no chocolate colored whippersnapper."
and in news just in from texas:
EMORY, Texas - Angry that her parents demanded she break up with her boyfriend, a teenage girl helped kill her mother and two brothers during a grisly weekend ambush on the family's rural, wooded home, authorities said Sunday.
just don't think about it, ok, hill?
Sunday, March 02, 2008
if i could be for just one stinkin' hour, cute cute in a stupid ass way
after scaring the shit out of everybody yesterday with ed muskie hillary is still playing the fear card today. and who better to get the feces flowing than jack nicholson:
Jack's video for Hill
you can see how hill is thinking, though... serial womaniser jack makes bill look like jimmy carter, right?

"Vote for Hillary or I'll cut your fuckin' head off, you dig?"
Jack's video for Hill
you can see how hill is thinking, though... serial womaniser jack makes bill look like jimmy carter, right?

"Vote for Hillary or I'll cut your fuckin' head off, you dig?"
Saturday, March 01, 2008
all the young dudes
"72 McGovern Team Rallies for One of Its Own: Clinton"
the mcgovern team of 72? does the word, "desperation", leap off the page at you?
mcgovern was one of the all time great losers and hill is looking to his guys for help? what next, ed muskie?

"Hi Hill, pity I'm dead or I'd be right there with you and George."
the mcgovern team of 72? does the word, "desperation", leap off the page at you?
mcgovern was one of the all time great losers and hill is looking to his guys for help? what next, ed muskie?

"Hi Hill, pity I'm dead or I'd be right there with you and George."