Wednesday, December 08, 2004


though she was born a long long time ago

mother's day

it's a big day for mothers today. it's the day the angel gabriel came down and blew his horn with mary, and we all know what happened after that. that's the theory anyway. i have my doubts. you can never really prove these things. take a look at that painting above, for example. it's "the annunciation" by leonardo (you'll find it in the louvre). but is it really by leonardo? the experts are divided. take a look at this painting:

it's "the annunciation" by leonardo (you'll find it in the uffizi). but is it really by leonardo? the experts are divided. most of what you see in art galleries is dubious just like most of what you see in life is dubious. who knows what really happened way back in renaissance florence, right? who knows what happened 2,000 years ago in galilee, right? it's hard enough to remember what happened last week.

anyway, it's the day of the immaculate conception today. it's also the day when john lennon was shot dead. or maybe not. it was the 8th of december in new york but it was already the 9th in london (and maybe the 10th or the 11th in tokyo, who knows?).

just goes to show, it's a wise child that knows his mother, or anything else, come to that.

late-night leonardo update

the angel on the left (as you look at the painting) is one of the few things universally recognised as being by leonardo. it's just a detail in a larger painting, but you can sort of see the genius, right? can't you?

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