Saturday, January 15, 2005


there'll be love and laughter and peace ever after tomorrow when the world is free

moron of the week #3

hey, rocco is back in the news. remember, they knocked him back as a european community commissioner because he's a taliban-style catholic who's anti-gay, anti-women, anti-well-you-name it-and-he's-against-it. anyway, he's still suffering from his embarrassing rebuke and on the radio today he accused a german member of the european parliament, daniel cohn-bendit, of being both responsible for denying rocco his place on the commission and of being a paedophile:

Il ministro accusa l'europarlamentare di essere intervenuto
nella vicenda della sua esclusione dalla Commissione Ue
Buttiglione: "Io, cacciato
dal pedofilo Cohn-Bendit"

BARI - "La mia vicenda di commissario europeo e una vergogna per la sinistra europea e italiana: un pedofilo che caccia un cristiano dalla Commissione europea". Rocco Buttiglione torna a parlare della sua esclusione dall'esecutivo Ue e se la prende con il capogruppo dei Verdi all'Europarlamento, Daniel Cohn-Bendit: "Mi riferisco a lui" afferma il ministro alle Politiche comunitarie, citando un libro di memorie di Cohn-Bendit che rivelerebbe approcci pedofili con alcuni allievi durante un'esperienza di insegnante in una scuola.

yep, rocco has done it again, opened his big gob and put his foot in it. rocco is pretty much a mouthpiece for the vatican and the funny thing is that i doubt if the vatican will be overjoyed by rocco starting yet another debate about paedophilia. check out the problems they've already got on this informative site.

i was looking for some nice photos of the vatican to post and came across this one of some american airforce guys - 456th bomb group - visiting the place in 1944:

and this graph about the number of bombs they dropped on italy in 1944/45:

rocco didn't drop any bombs but he sure does drop more than the the odd clanger, right?

photo of the vatican car licence plate

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