Saturday, February 12, 2005


god said to abraham kill me a son. abe said man you must be putting me on

i was over at the la repubblica site and this piece of news caught my eye:

La coppia era con amici in un ristorante di Bibione
L'ambulanza attesa mezz'ora; vano il massaggio cardiaco
Colpito da infarto cade
e schiaccia il figlio di 4 anni

VENEZIA - Una tragedia si e consumata nel pomeriggio nel ristorante "I Dogi" di Bibione (Venezia), dove un uomo, del peso di quasi 100 chili, e stato colpito da infarto crollando addosso al figlioletto di 4 anni e mezzo, che aveva accompagnato in bagno per lavargli le mani.

Il bambino e stato ricoverato in gravi condizioni all'ospedale di Treviso per lo schiacciamento del torace, mentre suo padre, Alberto De Sandri, 40 anni di Padova, e deceduto prima di salire in ambulanza.

Padre e figlio erano al ristorante in compagnia di una coppia di amici. Sono stati loro i primi a preoccuparsi per l'insolito attardarsi dei due e a chiedere al ristoratore di aprire la porta del bagno: il bambino era imprigionato sotto il corpo massiccio del padre.

(12 febbraio 2005)

ok, for you thickos who don't understand european languages i'll translate:

the scene is a restuarant near venice called "i dogi" - doge of venice, get it? - and this guy (he weighs 220 lbs) takes his 4 year old kid to the toilet for a piss. they've been gone for a long time and the rest of the family are starting to get worried so someone goes to check and finds the guy dying of a heart attack and the 4 year old trapped under his body. they take the kid to hospital but he's in a bad way. might not pull through.

the story reminded me of the twin towers. a priest was giving the last rites to a guy who had jumped from the 80th floor and while he was doing the business another guy fell on the priest and killed him.

the moral of the story? choose a thin family? just say no to that second pizza? i guess there is no moral. the lord giveth and the lord taketh away and he has a good laugh while he's doing it. what a joker he is.

meaningful beach boys photo

and hey, guys, give brian a wide berth in the powder room, ok?

minchia, questa รจ una vera storia del cazzo... povero bambino
If i see Brian Wilson in the bog i'll cut a big hole in the floor so the guy can have a proper sit.
moral: the 72 virgins are out there on highway...61.
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